A fresh approach to accountability when you’re ready to claim what’s rightfully yours and take the lead in your new reality.

All in 6 weeks. 









This is your line in the sand moment. 


✅ What is it?

  • 6-week group experience with individual responsibility delivered daily via interactive Telegram app
  • You will: 
    • Claim what you really want and put a stop to the toe-dipping and caveats that hold you back
    • Create habits that naturally shape your personal devotion to yourself and your goals 
    • Complete daily documentation in your individual room to mark each day and build your own evidence bank 
    • Release any dependence on motivation by creating momentum 
    • Watch and learn from others who are showing up every single day alongside you (including Kelly & Laura, who are claiming their own bold goals)
    • Learn how to make your journey as enjoyable as your outcome 
    • Let go of thoughts that do not support your goals (even if they’re true)
    • Significantly increase your confidence and capacity to hold and maintain success
    • Train your brain to tap into the power of probability or possibility (and how to switch between them)
    • Respect yourself in ways you didn’t think possible
  • You won’t: 
    • Do it perfectly
    • Be alone
    • Ever sit on the sidelines of your life again 


✅ How is it delivered?

  • Via private, interactive Telegram group
  • Each member will have their own ‘room’ inside the group to document their daily journey 


✅ How do I use it?

  • STAND has individual and group components, along with a menu of helpful materials to provide on-demand support
  • Each day you will:


Record your daily STAND via video, voice note, and/or written word and post in your individual room to build your momentum

Press Play

Choose from a selection of on-demand audios to guide your journey, shift unhelpful perspectives, and carry you through the sticky times

Watch & Chat

Pop into rooms to watch and cheer others along as they take their own STAND, or hang out in group rooms for inspiration, support, and Q&A

Brain Serum Library

Plug into our ever-growing library of subliminal audios designed to give 'behind the scenes' affirmations and directions to your mind

I'm Ready to Take a STAND!


✅ Who is it for?

  • Anyone who talks themselves out of fully committing to the things, experiences and outcomes they really want 
  • Professional second-guessers and what-iffers 
  • Those who start off strong but lose steam quickly
  • People who have tried holding themselves accountable and failed
  • Anyone who has been been experiencing resistance to doing the exact things they ‘know’ they should be doing 
  • Anyone who is ready to practice the skill of playing big in a safe space 
  • People who want to see what is actually possible when they bet on themselves  


✅ How much is it? 

  • $398 July 1st - August 11th
  • MEMO subscribers & Irresistible Mind™ alumni receive $100 discount (check your email or message me for your code)


✅ Why should you join (or not)? 

  • You’re ready to ditch the distractions of new systems, frameworks and solutions for the power of taking a simple step every single day
  • You understand that creating a new reality for yourself is going to feel gooey and uncomfortable because things that feel familiar cannot be new
  • You want a safe place to spend your time during the messy phase of manifesting your new reality
  • You’re ready to experience authentic fan-girling from women who have your back
  • You’re open to thinking about concepts such as resistance and pressure from a new perspective
  • You’re willing to trade the short-term dopamine hit of starting over and ‘shiny object hopping’ for the permanent freedom that momentum brings


✅ What should you know before you buy? 

  • The content begins on July 1st
  • Access will span a 6 week period 
  • Due to the nature of a group environment, you may see or read sensitive or personal information and agree to respect and protect the inherent vulnerability of this experience by maintaining the confidence of any information shared inside this container
  • Refund policy: 48-hr, no questions asked, money back guarantee should you decide this experience isn’t for you
YES! I'm Done Negotiating With My Dreams!


✅ Who is Laura, and why she is doing this? 

  • I’m Laura, creator of Irresistible Mind™. You can read more about my story here, or listen to the 1 Year Bet On Myself episode on MEMO. 
  • I have a masters degree in communication disorders and am a clinical professor at a university where I supervise and teach graduate students about neurocognitive development and language acquisition.
  • I’m a certified nerd when it comes to shifting mental perspectives and mapping my brain to serve my goals.
  • STAND was born after I found myself smack dab in a fresh glob of mental goo as I was sitting down to complete my monthly practice of mapping out my intentions for my business and my life – and I froze. 
  • None of the big goals I had set for myself seemed achievable anymore. I started questioning why I even wanted those targets. I started doubting whether I actually wanted them. And over the course of the next couple of days, I found myself feeling sad. Low. Like I had missed the mark on what my true life purpose was. Like I was going to have to go back to the drawing board and set my sights on something else.
  • Even though I’ve been here so many times before, I still didn't initially pick up on what was really happening. The truth was not that I missed my purpose. The truth was that I had finally reached the stage where I was triggering a new reality. 
  • The doubts, fears and what-ifs were not signals to abandon my dreams, they were my actual PROOF that I had reached a new level of reality in my world. A level my brain had never seen before. This was not the time to quit. This was the time for MOMENTUM.
  • Then, in a guided lab experiment (one you’ll also find inside STAND), I tapped into the version of myself that already had what I desired. The version of myself that already ‘figured it out’. The version of myself that was fully living this new reality. And she told me exactly what to do.
  • It’s the exact same process I’ve used for every other transformation in my life. Only this time, I decided to document it in real time and share it with all of you. 
  • I’ll be claiming my big goal inside of STAND, and you’ll watch as I walk toward it every single day.


✅ Who is Kelly, and why she is doing this?

  • Meet my friend Kelly, outstanding human and intuitive genius. You can read more about her life and story here.
  • Kelly and I have a tradition of sending voice or video notes to each other in the mornings to check-in with each other, state our intentions, kick each others’ asses, support each other, and generally connect to the energy of another person who gets what it’s like to show up for yourself every day.
  • We didn’t realize it at the time (isn’t that always the case??), but our daily process was mimicking the same documentation habit I used during my 1-year bet on myself. 
  • I wanted to bring Kelly into STAND because she is a genius at reflecting what she sees, and it is a powerful gift to see yourself through her eyes.
  • Just like me, Kelly is committed to claiming a big, bold goal on July 1st and she will be documenting her journey for all of us to watch.
I'm Ready to Join You!

Imagine what your Future Self will say...

"Girl, you seriously blow my mind. I knew you were going to give me some good stuff to work with, but DAMN I did NOT expect this!"

"Everything I am right now is because of YOU. Thank you so much for making that bet on yourself."

"Remember when you didn’t know how it would all work out?? Hah! How small does that problem look now, babe??"

"I could not be more proud to represent us out in the world. People look at me and think I did this, but I know better. I will never forget what you did for me."

Are you ready to STAND?

MEMO members and Irresistible Mind™ alumni take $100 off! Check your email for your discount code (or send a message to info@irresistiblemind com).

Have Questions or Want to Chat?

Email [email protected] or DM me on Instagram to discuss if STAND is right for you.